Friday, 19 October 2012

Thriller openings

Thriller movies are based around creating suspense, they also use a variety of sub genres such as sci- fi, Horror, Psychological, Supernatural and Cop. Here are a handful of openings we looked at in class and the notes that I made on them. Most of these films have normal openings so that suspense can be built up in order to make the film more effective. Also, the use of sub genre brings in elements of other films so that it appeals to a wider range of viewers.

Misery 1990 (conventional thriller)
  • The opening scene establishes a character
  • Shows parts of his life in different shots
Here is the link for the opening scene 

Cube 1997 ( techno thriller/horror sub genre):
  • Suspense - feel like someone will jump out
  • completely unpredictable
  • mystery for us as well as the character
Here is the link for the opening scene

No country for old men 2007 (Cop sub genre)
  • Voice over with different shots
  • shows emptiness
Here is the link for the opening scene

Training Day (Cop sub genre)
  • Funny opening scene
  • Established roles, Denzel Washington is the boss
  • Hooks you in
  • Black cop/white cop (becoming a sub genre in itself) one clever cop, the other stupid
Here is the link for the opening scene

Vertigo (Cop sub genre)
  • By Hitchcock, who essentially kicked off thriller movies
  • Classic scary music
  • Plays on your expectations (Expect the criminal to die not the cop)
  • Hitchcock stare (hold zoom in down and move backwards)
Here is the link for the opening scene

Unbreakable (supernatural sub genre)
  • Hooks you in
  • Clever shot in the mirror
  • everyone has a soft spot for babies so you immediately sympathize and want to know what happened
Here is the link for the opening scene

The hand that rocks the cradle 1992 (psychological sub genre)
  • Happy music
  • All the scenes they show at the start are significant later in the film - scenes where lots of violence takes place
  • Suburban America
  • Shows credits (go on for ages)
  • Unconventional opening to trick the audience
Here is the link for the opening scene

The silence of the lambs (psychological sub genre)
  • FBI training school
  • Large credits in the centre of the screen
  • Strong female leading character
  • Make it look like she is a victim at the start of the film (tricks the audience)

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