Misery 1990 (conventional thriller)
- The opening scene establishes a character
- Shows parts of his life in different shots
Cube 1997 ( techno thriller/horror sub genre):
- Suspense - feel like someone will jump out
- completely unpredictable
- mystery for us as well as the character
No country for old men 2007 (Cop sub genre)
- Voice over with different shots
- shows emptiness
Training Day (Cop sub genre)
- Funny opening scene
- Established roles, Denzel Washington is the boss
- Hooks you in
- Black cop/white cop (becoming a sub genre in itself) one clever cop, the other stupid
Vertigo (Cop sub genre)
- By Hitchcock, who essentially kicked off thriller movies
- Classic scary music
- Plays on your expectations (Expect the criminal to die not the cop)
- Hitchcock stare (hold zoom in down and move backwards)
Unbreakable (supernatural sub genre)
- Hooks you in
- Clever shot in the mirror
- everyone has a soft spot for babies so you immediately sympathize and want to know what happened
The hand that rocks the cradle 1992 (psychological sub genre)
- Happy music
- All the scenes they show at the start are significant later in the film - scenes where lots of violence takes place
- Suburban America
- Shows credits (go on for ages)
- Unconventional opening to trick the audience
The silence of the lambs (psychological sub genre)
- FBI training school
- Large credits in the centre of the screen
- Strong female leading character
- Make it look like she is a victim at the start of the film (tricks the audience)
needs more detail. however it is very good :)