Monday, 5 November 2012

Analysing thriller openings number 1

Enemy of the State, Tony Scott, 1998

1.'What is the point of this sequence? Describe briefly how tension is created through the editing.''

There are various close ups on the card which makes you wonder what it's purpose is and why he is using it. Also Will Smith is standing behind Gene Hackman who is seated and looking away whilst talking to him which could show tension between the two characters. The purpose behind this scene is to hook the audience in, introduce the main characters who are the biggest stars in the film, and to set the story. The opening credits are played against a really dramatic piece of music, the point of this is to create suspense which is essentially, the key to a good Thriller opening. Also the use of a black background and white text is significant as it doesn't give much away about the film (image 1). The computer sound that is heard when the writing comes on the screen at the start of the scene is diegetic because it was intended to be in the scene; however the sound itself would have had to be edited in once the filming was done which would also make it non diegetic (image 2).

2. ''Look at the use of CU or Medium CU. Why are they primarily used here?''

 I think a close up was used here in particular to show how and what the character was thinking and feeling through visual instead of dialogue. This is a clever way of portraying the characters feelings without it being overly obvious. This affects the audience as they will now be curious to see why the picture is so important and why a close up was needed of Will Smith noticing it, and then looking rather dubious afterwards.

3. ''Choose 15-20 seconds from anywhere in the sequence and describe each shot in detail, explaining its effect / function for the audience, as well as commenting on how the cuts (the editing) add to the meaning.''

 I selected scenes from 1.45 - 2.00 in the clip:

Shot 1: Close up shot of Gene Hackman, scene through the gate. This creates the effect that they are in some sort of secret lab where they are plotting. The close up on the face can add to the effect of tension between the characters and in the scene as a whole.
Shot 2: Side Tracking shot of the character creeping towards the railings, and then a shot of another man's feet catching up with him. This shot created the effect of two people following the main characters and creeping up behind them. The shots of the feet are a clever touch instead of a mid shot.
Shot 3: Another Close up of Gene Hackman through the gate, again creates a sense of plotting in a hide out, before it quickly changes to Will Smith.
Shot 4: A close up of Will Smith which is a really dark shot, his face is the centre of the shot with a dark shadowy background creating the effect of something possibly about to happen that the characters don't know about, this has an effect on the audience as they would have previously seen the other characters outside.
Shot 5: A computer screen that quickly flicks to show a file of some sort loaded. The speed of this shot shows that there 'mission' if you will, has been completed and that once again you get the feeling something unexpected is going to happen.

Enemy of the State (1998)

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