Friday 15 February 2013

Evaluating the titles

Having finished our title sequence I would like to reflect back on the process and point out improvements and what went well.


1.  We made the titles all in one sequence which made it difficult at first to separate them in Final Cut because they appeared individually between the shots. However, I got shown how to select them in their own frames and pace them in the relevant places that i coordinated with the arrangement of them on our storyboard.
2. They look quite simplistic which can be seen as good and bad. Good, because it looks professional and we wanted it simple and effective which we feel we have achieved. We did not want to over do it and exaggerate everything just to show off skill, because then it may have turned out tacky. However this can be seen as bad because we haven't showed what we can do when it comes to making titles and in a sense they can look restricted compared to what we could have done.

What went well:
1. It was a new process that I had not done before and i thoroughly enjoyed making them. I picked up a new skill whilst having fun putting together my footage.
2. We made a few drafts and were forever changing elements of the sequence before we made one which we all thought was the one. We went from changing the background colour, to the font, to the effects and even the colour of the text itself. Initially we had a different effect for each title and then realized we needed to keep it the same if we wanted to have continuity which would ultimately look more effective.

Here is our completed title sequence:



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