Thursday 21 March 2013

Evaluation Question 2

'How does your media product represent particular social groups?'

The first character that has similarities with my main character is Betty Grable in the film I Wake Up Screaming. Her character Jill Lynn is the woman whom Frankie (Victor Mature), a man suspected of murder, hides out with and eventually falls for. This coincides with my main character, an attractive woman who receives lots of male attention, but who uses this to her advantage to ultimately take what she wants from them. Appearance wise, they both wear red lipstick which is a common aspect of costume for women portraying a seductive role in films. A noticeable difference between the two characters could be hair colour. Most Femme Fatale actresses have blonde hair which fits into this stereotypical female role. However, our character has dark brown hair. Although, both Grable and the character in my film have curly hair, which is also a common feature amongst Femme Fatale characters.

Another Femme Fatale character that shows signs of similarities to my main female character is Ann Savage who plays Vera in Detour. Similarities include dark hair which is not very usual with Femme Fatale characters, and also smoking cigarettes. This is also a key iconic feature in Film Noir films, which gives an indication of the period in which the film is set. Furthermore, both women manipulate men to get what they want; our character manipulates then kills the millionaire who won the lottery and Vera blackmails Al in Detour when he presents himself as Haskell, the bookie who tried to get too friendly with her when he gives her a ride. This shows that women do not always have to be the powerless victims in thrillers, which is why having a Femme Fatale was interesting to portray.

Finally,  there are some similarities with Glenn Close who played Alex Forrest. Various references were made to Glenn Close in my thriller opening, including a scene from  Fatal Attraction and the poster on the wall which my character was then seen copying. They are both wearing white dresses which ironically contradicts their characters as both of them are seen to go to extreme lengths and carry out acts of craziness.

Here is a quote from 'Film Noir City' which gives an introduction into Femme Fatale as a character and how they fit into the Film Noir genre.

''The soft smell of infatuating perfume, blond tresses contrasted with unlit bars, and faint traces of liquor and tobacco; or fresh perms and the smell of a home cooked meal?
Without a doubt, the women in film noir play a central and recurring theme in the genre.  Perhaps as a statement of the obsessions that move a man:  money,  liquor and women.  The femme fatale (“ or the deadly woman”) is an ancient and popular character in western (and indeed world) texts. Generally, the femme fatale is shown to be a woman who exploits the weaknesses of men to her own advantage.  Perhaps the interpretation that the construction of the femme fatale is ultimately a product of a patriarchal and largely inequitable society is itself an outdated interpretation.  The femme fatale has become a movement of fashion and interest in modern society, and is a symbol of class.''

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